Monday, February 28

Million Dollar Baby

I know this means a whole pile of nothing after it won all those delicious awards last night, but you should go see this movie. I saw it on Thursday night by myself in the third row of a nearly empty theater and I don't think I would have had it any other way. When I left, I didn't want to talk to anyone about it, and I found myself thinking about it the entire weekend.

Consider yourself warned: I take no responsibility for the emotional shock you're liable to experience for whatever amount of time after seeing this movie (for me: two days).

It's made me think about a lot of interesting questions that I can't even bring up for fear of spoilers. There are enough right-wing "critics" going around spoiling this movie and I don't want to add to the jerk parade.

Monday, February 21


Recently I've been getting spam for Christian this and Christian that. Personals, refinancing, garbage collection; you name it, I've gotten it. Did I do something (commit some mortal sin?) to get added to these spam lists, or do Muslims and Jews get these too? Come to think of it, do they get spam for Muslim personals and Jewish refinancing? They must have teams of prophets working full time to determine which email addresses belong to which religion.

Am I supposed to feel better about being annoyed and potentially ripped off by someone with similar beliefs? It's the same bloody thing, they've just got a cross in their logo.

Nuts to that, man.

Thursday, February 10


Nothing to see here. Move along, folks.

Tuesday, February 8

this keeps happening...

I only signed up for this danged thing so I could post comments on Jordan's blog, so don't expect anything clever, insightful, or clever. In fact, don't expect any posts other than this one. Okay.