Tuesday, March 18

The Dork Modifier

Recently I started going to the local comic book store after a hiatus of more than 10 years. This, in and of itself, is certainly an assurance of major dorkhood. My question, dear reader(s), is this:

Does it make me more dorky or less dorky that the only reason I go is to purchase the comic book continuation of my favorite show ever, Buffy the Vampire Slayer?

For some reason, I'm thinking more dorky. I think even your "normal" comic book store patrons would be a little embarrassed buying an issue of Buffy.

Saturday, March 8

Where does it go?

Okay, so tonight at 2 a.m. we will set our clocks forward an hour. I'm sure this question is completely unoriginal, but where does that hour go? The Comcast guide on my box, which is divided in half-hour segments, goes from 1:30 a.m. to 3 a.m. That hour is gone. I wonder if it's like in Dark City when everyone falls asleep and the city starts changing. Maybe crazy stuff happens in the missing hour.

I guess I don't know what happens in that missing time. I feel like I've been robbed, but then it's given back in the fall, when an extra hour is just crammed into the middle of the night and we live blissfully with that extra hour until it's stolen away again in the spring.

Monday, February 18

I submit for your approval...

Banana Cream Pie is mankind's crowning achievement.

Monday, February 11


Fact: I have 218 items in my Netflix queue.
Fact: I've had the three discs I have now out for more than a month.
Conclusion: I want to see a lot of movies, but I'm in no rush.
Conclusion: Those were some expensive rentals.