Tuesday, April 26


I'll be in my bunk.


As many of you know, I am a dedicated consumer of pretty much anything Joss Whedon does. This fact makes me a rather unabashed fan of both Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, which, in due course, leads to much defamation of my character.

I done got slandered.

In 2002, his show Firefly debuted on FOX and, as is FOX custom with most programs displaying uniqueness and potential for greatness, was mishandled and cancelled within 4 months. I, being a stupid-face of massive proportions, didn't even watch it when it was on TV. I have since purchased the entire series on DVD (all 14 episodes of it) and realized the extent of my stupid-facedness. It's fantastic, if a bit incomplete (they couldn't even finish a single season arc). This trailer is for the movie. The movie, man!

"A space western?" you say, "that'll never work."

It works. It works like the dickens.

Watch the trailer. Be goosebumped.

Saturday, April 23

Theory of Blogativity

I have a theory about blogs. My unqualified conjecture is as follows: the consumability and entertainment value of a weblog is inversely related to the blogger's daily stress.

I've decided the reason I have nothing to post about is because I have nothing to post about: no stress = boring blog.

Then again, Pete's blog is consistently amusing, captivating, and honest (plus swears!), and he can lay claim to perhaps the least amount of stress of anyone I know.

I guess we'll see whether my blog gets better when I move into the house next month.

find out what happens when blogs stop being boring and start getting awesome

Friday, April 15

Happy Birthday!

Happy 21st birthday to my little brother, Nick.

Don't feed him too much alcohol, people!

Wednesday, April 13

A Shout-out

I doubt anyone who reads this hasn't already heard them, but my baby brother and Seth are in a band together with some other people who have no blogs (Chris and Jon, get blogging), and they've got some songs for your hearty consumption.

Consume heartily!

Keslinger - Here Today
Keslinger - Say Anything
Keslinger - Mitchell

(Post edited for link validity)

Tuesday, April 12


This post contains one line of text.

Saturday, April 9

An Important Question

Say "Fudgsicle."

Did you say fudge-ickle? What is wrong with you?

(also, that spelling seems wrong, but trust me, it's been heartily researched)

Tuesday, April 5

All I post about is movies

The day I start getting paid for this is the day I write about important stuff.

Still waiting for my lucrative blog deal...