Tuesday, April 26


I'll be in my bunk.


As many of you know, I am a dedicated consumer of pretty much anything Joss Whedon does. This fact makes me a rather unabashed fan of both Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, which, in due course, leads to much defamation of my character.

I done got slandered.

In 2002, his show Firefly debuted on FOX and, as is FOX custom with most programs displaying uniqueness and potential for greatness, was mishandled and cancelled within 4 months. I, being a stupid-face of massive proportions, didn't even watch it when it was on TV. I have since purchased the entire series on DVD (all 14 episodes of it) and realized the extent of my stupid-facedness. It's fantastic, if a bit incomplete (they couldn't even finish a single season arc). This trailer is for the movie. The movie, man!

"A space western?" you say, "that'll never work."

It works. It works like the dickens.

Watch the trailer. Be goosebumped.


Zach said...

Well, this is odd. My very first random visitor. What's even odder--let me put my nerd hat on--is that I read your Unification dealie already on Usenet this morning.

As for the theory, it's a pretty cool idea, but as much as I love both universes, I guess I prefer to keep them separate until it's canon. That's just me, though; I've never been one for fanfic, or whatever category this fits in.

--nerd hat disengage--

Zach said...

I'm glad someone's posting new material on this blog, even if it's not me.