Sunday, August 28

Something new

Since I rent so many movies and TV shows through Netflix, I've decided that I should get some sort of blog activity out of it. I'll be attempting to coherently review every disc I get in the mail. Hopefully this will be a good thing.

First up: Oldboy.

Monday, August 15


I've noticed that a rash of comment-spam has begun to appear on the blogverse. When I saw this, I realized that I might be the only blogger more prolific at policing comment-spam than actually posting.

Chew on that.

Tuesday, August 2

A Clarification

weary ( P ) Pronunciation Key (wîr'ee)
adj. wea·ri·er, wea·ri·est
1.Physically or mentally fatigued.
2.Expressive of or prompted by fatigue: a weary smile.
3.Having one's interest, forbearance, or indulgence worn out: weary of delays.
4.Causing fatigue; tiresome: a weary wait.

wary ( P ) Pronunciation Key (wâr'ee)
adj. war·i·er, war·i·est
1.On guard; watchful: taught to be wary of strangers.
2.Characterized by caution: a wary glance at the black clouds.

Please note the distinction and adjust speech and writing accordingly.