Sunday, August 28

Something new

Since I rent so many movies and TV shows through Netflix, I've decided that I should get some sort of blog activity out of it. I'll be attempting to coherently review every disc I get in the mail. Hopefully this will be a good thing.

First up: Oldboy.


Anonymous said...

Oh nice. I'm starting Netflix tomorrow! I had to stop Blockbuster-ing because I'd watched most of the "big flicks" and Blockbuster's selection of the foreign and ye olde time films sucks. Plus, I can be lazier with Netflix. Perhaps I too shall take up this challenge. Oldboy is in my queue as well. =)


neill said...

You should check out The Shield.

Anonymous said...

You should definitely check out The Shield.

And if you don't already watch it on Sci Fi, you really need to start renting Battlestar Galactica.


Zach said...

Yeah, I've rented the first two seasons of The Shield, caught the third in reruns, and watched the fourth for real. I highly enjoy it. Wee.

Also, the review is still coming, just slowly.