Saturday, April 23

Theory of Blogativity

I have a theory about blogs. My unqualified conjecture is as follows: the consumability and entertainment value of a weblog is inversely related to the blogger's daily stress.

I've decided the reason I have nothing to post about is because I have nothing to post about: no stress = boring blog.

Then again, Pete's blog is consistently amusing, captivating, and honest (plus swears!), and he can lay claim to perhaps the least amount of stress of anyone I know.

I guess we'll see whether my blog gets better when I move into the house next month.

find out what happens when blogs stop being boring and start getting awesome

1 comment:

Brian Jones said...

I only look at Pete's blog when one of you guys links to him, since I don't actually know him or anything.

So, I looked at it just now following your link. What has he written about lately? Stuff from the NY Times.

Now, I read the Times every day too. It is just the world's most interesting newspaper, even if some or most of it is fabricated ala Jayson Blair. I have found myself wanting to post over and over again about stuff I read in the Times but I hold off because I don't want to be a Times slappy. But I suspect that the more interesting entries on Pete's blog are not his opinions about the Times but the stuff that actually happens to him in real life. I try to remind myself of this evertime I'm tempted to link to something I've read on the net. Sometimes, though, I can't resist.