Tuesday, April 10

Jack Bauer Kills Everyone (episode 17)

Sweet sassy molassey, Jack's been busy. He said the coveted "DAMMIT!" twice. In addition to "killing" two guys in an elaborate ruse, Jack killed six actual people last night. He was like some sort of truck-transmitted terrorist epidemic, taking suckers out with one shot while they sprayed their ineffectual AKs all over the place. Four evil bad guys were taken out with the pistol, while he snapped another dude's neck and strangled the main Skeletor-looking bad guy with a winch chain.

Says Jack to emaciated terrorist Fayed: "Say hello to your brother."

I wanted so badly for him to add "...IN HELL."

This brings our season totals up to:
Total Jack Bauer-caused fatalities: 22
Total utterances of "DAMMIT!": 21
Total Jack Bauer-uttered "DAMMIT!"s: 11

Which leaves us with these season averages:

JBKpH (Jack Bauer Kills per Hour): 1.294
DpH ("DAMMIT!"s per Hour): 1.235
JBDpH (Jack Bauer "DAMMIT!"s per Hour): 0.647

The show is ridiculous, but that's why we love it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you love the ridiculousness, you should check out Grindhouse. I thought it was hilarious madcap violence.