Monday, March 12


I saw 300 yesterday and it was pretty decent. Not fantastic, not a huge letdown. The battle sequences were very well done, particularly the long tracking shots with crazy dynamic zooming and speed-shifting. My brother Nick heard that they did the zooming stuff by shooting with three cameras at the same time on a special rig, which just sounds way neat. The visuals were all really well done. I think this might be my favorite stylized (as opposed to realistic) CGI achievement yet--yes, I think it looks cooler than Sky Captain.

Other than a gag-worthy inspirational speech by the Spartan Queen, I thought the movie was altogether pretty good, but someone should give the guys that made the trailer an award.

1 comment:

Sdeming said...

Right after seeing 300, I wasn't blown away. I thought I liked it but I wasn't sure why. I knew I didn't like some aspects of the movie (mostly the sex scenes- which SHOULD NOT BE VIEWED BY ADOLESCENTS!)However, after mulling over what the movie actually had to say, loyalty to family, fighting for freedom, and honor-i really liked it. Not my favorite, but if you can avert your eyes for certain parts, Netflix it for sure.

Also, I think King Leonidas is made out of pure testosterone.