Tuesday, March 27

The Jack Bauer Rundown, episode 15

Now we're talking!

Jack was personally responsible for two deaths in this episode: the critically wounded guy from last time ("he didn't make it.") and another unnamed Russian terrorist. In addition, Jack was the source of two of the episode's three "DAMMIT!"s. Very productive!

This brings our season totals up to:
Total Jack Bauer-caused fatalities: 14
Total utterances of "DAMMIT!": 19
Total Jack Bauer-uttered "DAMMIT!"s: 9

Which leaves us with these season averages:

JBKpH (Jack Bauer Kills per Hour): 0.933
DpH ("DAMMIT!"s per Hour): 1.267
JBDpH (Jack Bauer "DAMMIT!"s per Hour): 0.6

Increases in all categories! Jack used a developmentally disabled guy to trap a terrorist in this episode. I'm not sure if this is completely consistent with his style, or a new low.

Either way, until next time: doot - deet - doot - deet - doot - deet


Nick said...

If anything, using the handicapped guy should be bonus points in this weird statistical menagerie of statistics you've got going on.

Additionally, I know menagerie doesn't really fit, yet I haven't used it in a while (ever?) and felt it necessary.

Unknown said...

I thought him using the handicapped guy allowed us to see a softer, gentler side of Jack. A Jack that we probably wouldn't have seen pre-China.

Also, Zach, you crack me up!